Looking for a Steel Storage & Organization Manufacturer?
From startups to global firms, we can supply the world's best Steel Storage & Organization products.
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Hong Phat KCT Introduction

Start from 2011, we are a reliable manufacturer that provides for customers many optimal solutions about steel structure including: Design, production, implementation and machining; with many diverse designs, luxurious styles and high applicability.


Always aim to be the first choice of customers

HONG PHAT KCT always want to become the first choice of the customer about consulting, design, production, implementation, machining the furniture to ensure that providing the best product for customer with reasonable price, sustainable quality, dedicated and attentive services.


Good and high quality

Our products have unique, luxurious styles and high applicability that have conquered diverse requirements about colors, meticulousness, the creativity of design in the modern smart living space and we are becoming the sustainable belief of many customers by the time.


Listening than selling

We always listen to opinions of customers, constantly improve to bring customer absolute satisfaction with suitable advices. We aim to make customers as friends and together go to win-win business.

CALL US ON: (+84) 96 598 0919

